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- Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social
Since Sanyo Machine Works was founded in 1945, we have striven to develop manufacturing industry infrastructure through our corporate activities.
Our mission is to respond to new needs constantly arising from industry. Now, as society's economic and industrial structure reaches a major turning point, we will fulfill our mission through further technological innovation that helps to build infrastructure which will serve as a new foundation for manufacturing.
Moreover, our goal, as a company which grows in-step with society, is to help bring about a society that allows people to prosper. We will do so through mutual assistance and cooperation with various stakeholders which include customers, suppliers, employees and their families, and local communities.
We will engage in environmental activities, help revitalize local communities, and promote health and safety. In so doing, we will contribute not only to industry, but to the development of sustainable society as a whole.
Contributions to Society
Building an Industrial Infrastructure for a New Era
Through our primary business of industrial equipment and machinery, we are working to build the manufacturing infrastructure required in this new era. In recent years we have taken up automated motor assembly lines for electric and hybrid vehicles, and are building a new production environment for the automotive industry.

Participation in Industry Groups and PR Activities for the Japanese Manufacturing Industry
- ・Recognition as an Aichi Brand company
- ・Special Zone to Create Asia No.1 Aerospace Industrial Cluster
Contributions to Local Communities
Collaboration for Local Revitalization
We strive to contribute to local revitalization efforts, and participate in various initiatives in Kitanagoya where our headquarters are located.
- ・Naming rights partner for city loop bus, the "Kita bus"
- ・Advertisement in Kitanagoya City Hall tourism map
- ・Participation in Kitanagoya Run Festa
- ・Children's Association Bazaar
- ・Exhibition at Commerce Festival hold by Kitanagoya Chamber of Commerce

Participation in Various Organizations
We participate in various local organizations, and cooperate with their activities.
- ・Nishibiwajima Crime Prevention Association
- ・Nishikasugai Association for Safety of Hazardous Materials
- ・Nagoya Nishi Labor Standards Association
- ・Aichi Prefectural Federation of Skilled Workers
- ・Various school (high school / university) cooperation councils

Support for Employees and a Healthy Work Environment
We engage in activities to improve the health of our employees and their families, in collaboration with our health insurance society and industrial physicians.
Regular Health Screenings
In addition to legally-stipulated health screening items, we have established a system which requires employees to undergo complete medical checkups at certain ages (40, 45, 50, 55, etc.) so that they can gain a detailed understanding of their state of health. (Percentage of employees undergoing regular health screenings: 100%)

Special Health Screenings
We also conduct all special health screenings necessary for each type of work, including screenings concerning pneumoconiosis, lasers, welding fumes, and organic solvents. (Percentage of employees undergoing special health screenings: 100%)
Mental Health
We conduct stress checks, and implement initiatives intended to enable employees to obtain an objective understanding of their own mental state of health. We also offer mental health support for employees who report mental health problems or anxiety, and encourage them to schedule individual interviews with industrial physicians.

Health Screenings for Employee Family Members
We also work to improve the health of employee family members by serving as an intermediary for family members undergoing health insurance society health screenings.
Support for Detailed Examinations
Through our health insurance society, we provide guidance that allows employees to receive brain MRI scans, chest CT scans, and pelvic MRI scans for lower than usual out-of-pocket costs. We encourage employees to undergo health screenings to promote early detection of risk factors for various diseases.
We work to protect our employees from infectious disease by providing opportunities for them to receive flu shots at work. The company also bears part of the cost when family members of employees receive individual vaccinations through hospitals or clinics.

Mediated Sales of Household Medicine
We are rolling out mediated sales of household medicines and sanitary supplies through our health insurance society. This allows employees to purchase them for less than the commercial prices found at drug stores and other providers.
Employment and Action Plan
Signing of 36 Agreement
Equal Pay for Equal Work
In order to achieve equal pay for equal work, we have stipulated evaluation standards based on results, performance, process, conduct, and other criteria, and promote appropriate evaluation according to work content and job ability.

Employment of Persons with Disabilities
We hire people with disabilities (new graduates and mid-career hires), and strive to achieve the statutory rate for employment of those with disabilities.
Formulation of Action Plan in Accordance with the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Work-Life Balance Support
We support our employees in balancing work with pregnancy, childcare, and caregiving responsibilities.
Concern for the Environment
Solar Power Generation
We have installed photovoltaic panels (370W×1,650 units/320W×225 units/266W×172 units/209W×1,464 units) on the roof and generate solar power. Approximately 1,300,000 kWh of electricity will be generated annually. We supply all the generated electricity to the power company.

Switching to LED lighting
We are in the process of changing our lighting to LEDs. By switching from fluorescent to LED lighting, we are working to reduce power consumption.
Renewable Resource Supply
We sort the industrial waste generated by our corporate activities, and send reusable metals (iron, aluminum, copper, etc.) and paper materials (paper waste, magazines, cardboard, etc.) to a recycling company.
Health and Safety Initiatives
Establishment of Health and Safety Committee
This committee consists of the Health and Safety Committee Chairperson, the industrial physician, the Health Supervisors, the Health and Safety Committee Vice-chairpersons, and the Health and Safety Committee members.

Renewable Resource Supply
1. Activity Policy
Based on the basic principle that "working safely is the entry point for work," each employee strives for zero accidents through strong will and conduct that ensures they protect themselves and follow the rules.
2. Targets
Serious, lost work-time, and non-lost work-time accidents: 0
Serious issues identified: 0
Fires: 0
3. Priority Action Items
1) Efforts to ensure serious accidents do not occur.
① Always stop working at the point a change occurs
② Foster a mindset of adhering to basic rules
2) Elimination of pedestrian accidents
3) Enhancement of mutual improvement activities
① Improve safety awareness
② Qualifications training
4) Active participation in cooperation council activities
5) "STOP6+α": Falls, electric shocks, physical entanglement, heavy objects, vehicles, fires, hot objects + lack of oxygen
Safety Management System
Activity Structure (Organization)

Details of Activities
- 1. Periodic Health and Safety Committee
- 2. In-house patrol
- 3. Workplace diagnostic check (Promotes OHS-MS)
- 4. Section ventilation inspection report
- 5. Report and deliberation on investigation into long working hours
- 6. Promoting risk assessment
- 7. Work supervisor and construction supervisor training
- 8. Various kinds of training conducted by in-house instructors (foreman training, working at height, preventing electric shock, dusty work, constant-voltage construction)
- 9. Training for new employees or those seeking qualifications (slinging work, floor-operated crane, grinding wheel, cherry picker, forklift)
- 10. Training by specialists (working at height, preventing electric shock, dusty work, vibrating tools)
- 11. Systematic measurements of the work environment
- 12. Safety & health Cooperative Association to Toyota Motor Corp.
- 13. Nissan Iwaki Association
- 14. Holding safety conferences
Establishment of Safe Working Standards
We have established general standards for each type of work, as well as rules, principles, and instructions for workers to follow, with the goal of achieving work safety.