Connecting production lines to the world through technology

Connecting  production lines to the world the world the world


The world is our stage

The era of mass production and
mass consumptions has ended,
and we
have entered an age in
which the value of a company is
determined by
intellectual assets
such as ideas and information.
We are a technology-driven manufacturer
engaged in comprehensive
development of both hardware and software for production systems.
have been recognized as an ideal partner in countless industries around the world,
from automotive and consumer electronics, to housing, railways, and

It has been said that the keywords which set the course for Japanese
companies in the 21st century are informatization, marketization, and
internationalization. And companies are judged on their capital
efficiency and knowledge intensity, rather than scale.
In this sense, the backbone of our company is technology. We have
consistently followed a path of self-reliance since our founding, and intend
to keep this spirit alive as we move forward.

We aim to take on challenges with cheerfulness and courage, implement
aggressive initiatives and reforms, and pioneer a new era as a trusted
partner to industries around the world.

We have the skills to pioneer a new era

The technical development team at Sanyo Machine Works is always
eager to take on themes like, "automation of processes that had
previously been considered difficult to automate", "participating in
the design of production systems from the user", and "creating
comprehensive systems for management of the entire production
This is because they are proud of the fact that systems developed
by Sanyo Machine Works have made industrial history.
Our track record for production systems in the automotive
industry—a key industry in Japan that has been a driving force for
the Japanese economy—is undisputed.
We have built this reputation by being one of the first to work on
mechatronics and to adopt cutting-edge technologies like robotics,
computer control, lasers, IT, and VF(Virtual Factories),
and by creating and supplying our customers
with systems that integrate all aspects from software to hardware.

Design and
construction of
production lines

3-D design

and production of
our own original

Mar. 2025
Got certificated as Aichi Quality Company 2025.  "Aichi Quality Website"
Nov. 2024
Awarded "Supplier Award 2023 SANYO MACHINE WORKS, LTD." by Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.
Oct. 2024
Our website has been redesigned.
Sep. 2024
Students from Shiroki Junior High School in Kitanagoya City visited our factory for a field trip.
Jul. 2024
Registered as an endorsing company of "Anzen Keiei Aichi".
Jun. 2024
Construction of a company dormitory was completed in Hanahara-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya.
May. 2024
Students from Shiroki Junior High School in Kitanagoya City visited our company for a three-day work experience.
Mar. 2024
The team of Sanyo Machine Works, Ltd. participated in the Kitanagoya RUN Festa.
Nov. 2023
Participated in the Commercial and Industrial Festival at Kitanagoya Health Dome.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our goal, as a company which grows in-step with society, is to help bring about a society that allows people to prosper. We will do so through mutual assistance and cooperation with various stakeholders which include customers, suppliers, employees and their families, and local communities.
We will engage in environmental activities, help revitalize local communities, and promote health and safety. In so doing, we will contribute not only to industry, but to the development of sustainable society as a whole.

Contact Us

The headquarters of Sanyo Machine Works are in Kitanagoya, Aichi Prefecture.
Please take care, as there are other companies whose name is the same as or similar to ours,
but which are not affiliated with us.